Internet Info 1994 March
Internet Info CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 1994).iso
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#File maintained by Doug McCallum <dougm@cypress.west.sun.com>; Sat Aug 21 17:22:09 MDT 1993
#Send updates to "uucpmap@rutgers.edu", cc: to me optionally
#N actsn.fay.ar.us, actsn
#S JDR AMI 386 25Mhz; Xenix System V/386 Release 2.3.2
#O All Church Technical Service
#C David Summers
#E david@actsn.fay.ar.us
#T +1 501 442 5558
#P 1640 Rockwood Trail, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
#L 36 04 10 N / 094 08 30 W
#R This was the first public entry in Arkansas! (Circa 1987).
#U uark
#R $Id: map.actsn,v 1.12 1992/05/08 16:49:28 david Exp $
#W actsn!david (David Summers) ; $Date: 1992/05/08 16:49:28 $
# nodes local to ACTS
actsn = actsn.fay.ar.us
actsn actsnmac(0)
# Local sites in town
actsn uark(HOURLY*2), fbcfarm(DAILY)
#N albaus
#S RS6000 /AIX 3.2
#O Arkansas Freightways
#C Bo Register
#E albaus!root
#T +1 501 741 9000
#P 2200 Forward Dr. Harrison, AR 72602
#L 36 13 N 93 06 W
#W evie@uunet.UU.NET (Evie Allen); Tue Dec 29 12:38:01 EST 1992
albaus <uunet>(DEMAND)
#N ark, ark.sbc.com
#S AT&T 3B4000 ; UNIX SVR3.1.1
#O Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.
#C Fred Knod
#E pelfpk@ark.sbc.com
#T +1 501-373-5330
#P 1111 W. Capitol, Rm. 773
#L 34 45 N / 92 17 W
#R news 2.11, smail 2.5
#U texbell
#W postmaster@sbc.com ; Mon, 18 Mar 91 07:00 CST
ark = ark.sbc.com
ark arbud(DIRECT), arksv(DIRECT), arso01(DIRECT), lrdsma(DIRECT),
lrles1(DIRECT), npsar(DIRECT), oktext(DEMAND), rtpuxf(DEMAND),
sw1sed(DEDICATED), sw3a(DEDICATED), sw3j(DEDICATED), sw3ras(DIRECT),
swbatl(LOCAL), swcscan(DEMAND), swgate(DEDICATED), swuts(DEDICATED),
texbell(LOCAL), tnessd(LOCAL), dalcac(DEDICATED), cuuxb(DEMAND),
gonzo(DEDICATED), sw1a7(DEDICATED), tnessh(LOCAL), txss01(DEMAND),
1asc1(DEMAND), 2bsc3(DEMAND), dscc(DEMAND), kando(DEMAND),
slapes(DEMAND), sw1z(DEDICATED), noah(LOCAL), txss01(DEMAND),
shots(DEMAND), lrscc(DEMAND)
#N ddi1
#S Prime EXL320; Unix 5.3.2
#O Data Decisions, Inc.
#C Don Reaves
#E ddi1!don
#T +1 501 221 7220
#P 650 S Shackleford Rd., 1 Financial Cen.,Suite 340, Little Rock,AR 72211
#L 34 44 N / 92 17 W city
#W don@ddi1.UUCP (Don Reaves); Tue Nov 13 20:33:43 EDT 1990
ddi1 uunet(DEMAND),
#N lrark
#S Opti 386; Xenix 386
#O Little Rock Tech Users Group
#C Ricky Mobley
#E lrark!rick
#T +1 501 225 0628
#P 1800 Sanford Drive #4, Little Rock, AR 72207
#L 34 47 N / 92 23 W
#R Technical Programmers BBS, news 2.11, Smail3.1.18.1
#R argate - WD5B Arkansas packet gateway - Rich Duncan
#R ddi1 - Data Decisions, Inc. - Don Reaves 501 221-7220
#R kc5jh - KC5JH - Don Reaves 501 835-7334
#U ddi1
#W lrark!rick (Rick Mobley); Sun Jan 5 00:35:00 CST 1992
lrark argate(POLLED),
#N ncatfyv
#S Intel 386; Unix System V/386 Release 3.2
#O National Center for Appropriate Technology - Fayetteville
#C Lee Clanton
#E ncatfyv!leec
#T +1 501 442 9824
#P 1175 West Cleveland, Fayetteville, AR 72701
#L 36 04 10 N / 094 08 30 W City
#R Appropriate Technology for Rural Areas (ATTRA)
#U uark
#W sci386!ecooley (Ed Cooley) ; Fri Sep 13 17:45:00 CDT 1991
ncatfyv sci386(DEMAND), uark(DEMAND)
#N noah
#S AT&T 7040 ; Pyramid OSx 5.0
#O Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.
#C Fred Knod
#E fk6508@noah.UUCP
#T +1 501-373-5330
#P 1111 W. Capitol, Rm. 785
#L 34 45 N / 92 17 W
#R news 2.11, smail 2.5
#U texbell
#W noah!root (Fred Knod) ; Wed Sep 19 09:20:11 CDT 1990
noah = noah.swbt.com
noah texbell(LOCAL),
#N nwark
#F engr.uark.edu
#S 386 40 Mhz Cached; MS-Dos 5.0
#O private - FidoNet
#C Kenneth Whelan
#E nwark!postmaster
#T +1 501 443 3163
#P 701 W. Sycamore #53 Fayetteville AR 72703
#L 36 04 10 N / 094 08 30 W city
#U uark
#R Fido 1:391/1060 running FREDGATE,UFGATE
#W nwark!postmaster (Kenneth Whelan); Sun Aug 1 13:13:55 EDT 1993
# Approved by hostmaster@fidonet.fidonet.org; Sun Aug 1 13:13:55 EDT 1993
nwark= nwark.fidonet.org, f1060.n391.z1.fidonet.org
nwark uark(EVENING)
nwark .n391.z1.fidonet.org, f37.n19.z1.fidonet.org,
.n3822.z1.fidonet.org, .n3823.z1.fidonet.org
#N rzrbyte
#S HomeBrew 386/40; Linux 0.97.4
#O Personal *NIX System
#C Tim Peoples
#E rzrbyte!tep
#T +1 501 442 5711
#P 701 W. Sycamore 71, Fayetteville, AR 72703
#L 36 05 N / 94 09 W
#R Devoted to the propogation of free software
#U uark
#W rzrbyte!tep (Tim Peoples); Thu Jan 21 17:36:47 CST 1993
rzrbyte uark(HOURLY)
#N sci386
#S Intel 386; Unix System V/386 Release 3.2
#O Strategic Concepts, Inc.
#C Ed Cooley
#E sci386!ecooley
#T +1 501 636 8152
#P 132 Kelly Drive, Rogers, Arkansas 72756
#L 36 22 20 N / 094 06 50 W
#U uafcseg
#W sci386!ecooley (Ed Cooley) ; Thu November 7 09:00:00 CDT 1991
sci386 uark(DAILY/2), ncatfyv(DEMAND)
#N shinobi
#S Leading Technology 12/286MX; Coherent 3.1.0
#O private - two user workstation
#C James Ward
#E shinobi!shadow
#T +1 501 444 9670
#P 2041 Easy Fayetteville, Ar 72703
#L 36 04 10 N / 094 08 30 W city
#U uark
#R $99 operating system on a $999 computer - Unix Utopia!
#W shinobi!shadow (Only the Shadow Knows) ; 01/29/91 14:52:50
# Local sites
shinobi uark(HOURLY)
# Long distance sites
shinobi mwcbbs(DEMAND)
#N steph
#S Tandy 4000
#O Stephens Co.
#C James H. Fuller
#E steph!root
#T +1 501 377 2439
#P P.O. Box 91, Mabelvale, AR 72103
#L 34 42 N / 92 17 W city
#R previously called intrepid
#W rick@uunet.UU.NET (Rick Adams); Mon Jul 25 10:55:25 EDT 1988
steph uunet(DEMAND)
#N teresa
#S PC Clone 386SX; Coherent 4.0.1
#O Marylake Monastery
#C Br. Eugene Mosburg
#E teresa!root
#T +1 501 888 3052
#P 5151 Marylake Drive Little Rock, AR 72206-9436
#L 34 44 N / 92 17 W
#W postmaster%teresa@uunet.UU.NET (Eugene Mosburg, O.C.D.); Wed Jun 23 15:16:41 1993 CDT
teresa uunet(DEMAND)
#N .uark.edu, .engr.uark.edu, uark
#S SUN SparcServer 490; SunOS 4.1.1
#O University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
#C Chris Corke
#E chrisc@uafhp.uark.edu
#T +1 501 575 2905
#P Admin. Services Building, MS ADSB 220, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 72701
#L 36 04 10 N / 094 10 00 W
#R IP Address: engr.engr.uark.edu (UUCP Mail Gateway)
#R IP Address: engr.engr.uark.edu (NEWS Gateway)
#R IP Address: engr.engr.uark.edu (ENGR.UARK.EDU Domain)
#R IP Address: uafhp.uark.edu (UARK.EDU Domain)
#R $Id: map.uark,v 1.10 1993/03/18 23:49:51 dws Exp $
#U University: All of our now very numerous machines that are able.
#U Local: actsn, fomac, freddyk, nwark, mworks
#U Non-Local: dhobbs, news.ualr.edu, news.ksu.ksu.edu
#W dws@engr.uark.edu (David Summers) ; Thu, 18 Mar 93 17:50 CST
#Domain info.
uark .uark.edu
uark = .uark.edu
uark = .engr.uark.edu
uark = engr.uark.edu
uark = engr.engr.uark.edu
# Local UUCP connections.
uark actsn(POLLED), dhobbs(POLLED), fomac(POLLED), freddyk(POLLED),
grimace(POLLED), mworks(POLLED), ncatfyv(POLLED), nwark(POLLED),
# Non-Local UUCP connections
uark depot(DEMAND)
#N uofa
#F portal
#S NeXT; NeXTStep 2.1
#O Alexander Computer Services
#C Caruth Alexander
#E uofa!postmaster
#T +1 501 521 3124
#P 6371 Mission Blvd, Fayetteville, AR 72703
#R Portal Communications Company gateway
#W portal!rich (Rich MacKinnon); Fri Mar 13 16:26:09 PST 1992
uofa= uofa.portal.com
uofa portal(POLLED)